Monday 21 March 2011

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • Our opening sequence is rather typical. We set the genre of a teen drama, as the teens introduce their characters through admitting their problems, introducing the audience to the storyline. 
  • The Mise en Scene shows teens in stereotypical clothing and carryout stereotypical activities i.e. doing weights, smoking, etc. 
  • The set up of the opening sequence is unusual, but not unique, as the opening sequence is the end of the film and the whole film is in the past. 
  • The title of our film is indirect as it suggests that the teens are outcasts, however that is a title of a TV series, so we decided to use an indirect title.
  • Our genre is also set through our font, it is in a graffiti style which is stereotypically related to teens.
  • A variety of high angled shots and low angled steady shots were used to differ between the teens vulnerability and instability in the past and their dominance and self assurance in the present day. 
  • The characters are introduced with influence from Trainspotting, we use a still frame to display the characters names and a voice over to introduce them to the audience. However, unlike Trainspotting we use flashbacks to introduced the character further.

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