Wednesday 2 March 2011

Filming Day One

Our first shooting session was on Thursday 3rd February. We filmed both of Mel's flash back scenes and Tyrone's flash back in the library.

Shot 1 displays Tyrone sitting alone in the library, we later realised that we could not use this shot as we had broken the 180 degree rule, and so would confuse the audience if we added this scene in.
Shot 2 displays Tyrone sitting alone once again, however we shot it through a bookcase to get a more intriguing shot and so to attract the viewers attention.
Shot 3 once again shows Tyrone sitting alone reading, here he opens up to the camera about his homosexuality through touching characters within his book.
Shot 4 shows Mel lighting and starting to smoke her spliff.
Shot 5 is of Mel smoking her spliff, we moved the camera around during this shot to get a variety of angles.
Shot 6 is an over the shoulder shot of Mel buying drugs.
Shots 7 and 8 are close ups of Mel buying drugs to give the audience a better idea of what is happening.
All of the above shots are handheld to show the viewer how uneasy the characters are and they are also fromm a high angle to show the characters vulnerability.

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