Friday 14 January 2011

Designing the Title Text and Font

After a while of playing around with Imovie on the macs we came up with our final idea of the title font of our opening sequence. We tried out a selection of different fonts and decided on a font titled 'The Battle Continuez'. We then played around with different colours and came to the decision of the colour tangerine, because we felt the font and the colour stood out and reflected the theme of our opening sequence well. Below shows the process we went through to come up with our final idea:

Font: Tekton Pro
Colour: Snow

Font: Kokonor
Colour: Snow

Font: Bank Gothic
Colour: Snow

Font: They're Coming To Get Me
Colour: Snow

Font: The Battle Continuez
Colour: Snow

Font: The Battle Continuez
Colour: Flora

Font: The Battle Continuez
Colour: Ice

Font: The Battle Continuez
Colour: Steel

Font: The Battle Continuez
Colour: Cayenne

Font: The Battle Continuez
Colour: Tangerine

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