Friday 4 February 2011

Conflicts During Filming

Once filling in filming schedules we began to film on Thursday 3rd of February, however due to unforeseen circumstances of actors and crew being ill we could not film. Instead we decided we would use our time productively. We decided to go to our location or the alley scene and film using different actors just so we could get a rough idea of what we needed to do and to get used to the equipment we were using so that when it cam to filming it could be done as quickly and efficiently as possibly so as we do not fall behind schedule.

On day two of filming we were faced with a second problem. Our location of the school gymnasium was made unavailable to us, however we knew we could not waste anymore filming time and we could not fall behind schedule so we went in search of a new, effective location. We soon came across the school hall and thought it would be good as although we would not have the mirrors we would have a stage which would reinforce the fact that Sarah is a dance. We then began filming and we feel it went well as although we changed location we feel it gave us more variety and freedom with our shots.
School Hall

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